
Sunitha Subramaniam
2 min readJan 20, 2022

synonyms: yearning | pining | craving | ache | burning |hunger |thirst

Photo by Billy Williams on Unsplash

These days the unsettling feeling accompanied by unhappiness and loneliness is one of LONGING. What are you longing for? What is missing in your life?

It’s been over two years of living in this pandemic filled with uncertainty and being overwhelmed by video calls, netflix, wine, and frequent visits to the fridge. Simple tasks such as responding to a text message seem daunting. Routines that were part of our everyday life were taken from us. The little joys of meeting people, seeing loved ones, going to a bar or heading out of town have intensified this hunger for more. The deep thirst for more has been lingering for far too long now.

More connection, more meaning — more life.

For a long time, many of us were not able to find the right words to describe exactly what was going on with us. Feelings of anxiety, loneliness and unfulfillment were all too familiar — the ache was burning in our body, mind and soul. Over time, we have learned to dull this ache with overworking, overusing social media, and overindulging in netflix shows. However, the longing resurfaces like a dark cloud as you continue to sip on the next glass of wine, scroll past another meme, and slouch deeper into the couch.

So what are we to do? How do we satiate this hunger? Quench its’ thirst?

Photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unsplash

The answer is simple. LOVE. Love is at the root of human nature — it is what every living being craves. The way our body, mind and soul connect thrives on love. There is nothing quite as healing as love. It is the source of life.

What is love to you? How will love help you create meaning and connection to face this longing? To me, it is simply finding the energy to write this post. For my friends, it’s taking the step to change careers. To some, it’s finding ways to rekindle their relationships with their partners. To most, it’s reflecting on what makes them happy. So today, I encourage you to take the time to face the longing and find the love that’s missing in your life.



Sunitha Subramaniam

I write about all things teaching, travelling and the journey of life| C’est la vie